Patient RUTH W
Address Auckland N.Z.
Age Under 70
Diagnosis   Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)


Ruth and her family were our next door neighbours when we were both attending primary school. I had not seen Ruth for more than 50 years but were put back in contact by another neighbour of the time who was using the CanTea and suggested she use it too. Here is what Ruth wrote to me.

Hi Max
I have to write all of this, It’s a passion I have learnt to have..
Or whatever one calls it..
What got it there in the first place...
When we violate the elementary laws of health or subject our body to severe stresses or other adverse environmental factors, our body reacts with self-defence..
Our bodies are amazing...
Once we understand & learn to work with them..
Given the right stuff they will eventually heal themselves...
So the underlying cause of disease is to learn how to eliminate the "health-destroying" & to recognize what that may be in ones life...
Theo was under a tremendous amount of stress & long working hrs.. something had to give...
For me I put into my mouth food that my body struggled in the end to consume adequately. My liver as I have learnt, is a fat burning organ amongst other things, & it became fat storing instead of burning fat. So of course I lost my waist & couldn't understand, no matter how I tried, how to loose weight. It just never happened until now.. as I am learning...
I have had to stop eating grains as this has been the biggest culprit, for me.
Elvis died of constipation, but when they did an autopsy his liver was a very enlarged fatty liver, & all his organs were very enlarged because of the fatty liver. It all stemmed from that. He liked bulk bread, buns. Hamburgers, etc.... After I saw that on TV I understood even more of my condition. I have been saved, understanding that if I don't try & turn this around I to will go to the grave.
My blood count for the liver in June was 166. I had started taking your tea on the 14th May 2015. I realise it will all take time, but I knew I needed to make even bigger changes. So I stopped eating bread & grains of all kinds.. stuck to a diet of protein, fruit, vege, legumes,eggs, fish & meat. But in small sugar..
In the end of May I got myself to the hospital on a Sunday, they tested me for my heart & wouldn't budge, I knew something was very wrong. So I asked if they had got a blood test done for my liver & thyroid.
The young scottish Dr wasn't impressed so I had to sweet talk him & he succumbed. Thats when I found out the liver count was 166.
I pushed my medical Dr to send me for a scan of my liver, I had to really push her for that. Yes I had a enlarged fatty liver. So she then sent me to do a blood test of my kidneys & liver in June. That came back that my kidneys were not right. I declined on medication!
Thats when I decided to put the stinging nettles into your mix. Stinging nettle has many good qualities because of its many nutrients. It is a good spring tonic. It is slow-acting nutritive herb that gently cleanse's the body of metabolic wastes. It is one of the safest alteratives especially in the treatment of chronic disorders that require long-term treatment. It has a gentle stimulating effect on the lymphatic system enhancing the excretion of wastes thru the kidneys. Also a wonderful blood builder & the presence of vit C aids in iron absorption. I could go on & on as you see I love my herbs dandelion is another one. Also I presently have a thistle leaf in my vege juice. Etc..
So in July after my blood test the Dr looked at it & said “ Oh my God its normal”. I never told her what I did, they really don't grasp it. So I won't waste my breath! My liver blood count at the end of July was down to 119, so its coming down. I will be going for another blood test soon...
So thats what adding the nettle did for me, cleaned my kidneys, & I had felt that as well. But I'm not adding it all the time the body needs to rest from herbs now & again then you give it another shot.. I put the nettles in the same time I add the herbs in the 2nd container and leave them to steep, I use the same amount using your scoop.
I felt the difference straight away... I'm going to try something else next, just not too sure at this stage.
But yeh teas are great. I've even made my own liver detox tea, its very nice too....
Thats enough about me, you can do with it as you wish, I don't mind my name being on it. You'll have to word it in your way...
Now Theo
Thankyou for your interest Max.. would love to sit down sometime I think we would have lots to communicate...
Theo had cancer in the liver about 2/3rd of his liver too much to operate, for which we are now very glad...
It was Hodgkins Lymphoma.
It was xmas 2008. So thats when the search began...
They started him on the low dose of chemo, but it never did a thing. Then they tried a new one that had just come out, called Intermediate One. That was the one he went for, so he was 6mths on that.
The very last one weakened him, his body had had enough. He ended up burning all his pills. He was having lots of vege juice.
We brought an oscar juicer. The Dr couldn't believe his blood count it was always very good! I have been building him ever since . He still gets very tired if he has worked himself too hard. He got a clearance after 4 yrs. His specialist originally said he didn't think he would last 2yrs, thats what they gave him. The doctor said "Whatever your wife is doing tell her not to stop!"
But yes. I'm trying to get him onto your tea, but now you mentioned about the apple juice I saw yes thats the one, he said he might give it a try, with the apple juice, so thanks for that Max..
Sorry if I've banged on... I love my teas & I love my herbs....

Thanks for the letter Ruth! When we share our experiences we help others in need.
Note.There are times when I find some adults and especially very young children and animals who find the taste of the tea needs a lift. In those circumstances I suggest initially drinking the tea with equal amounts of apple juice, and gradually reduce the apple juice as they become accustomed to the taste of the tea.

Update from Ruth.(22nd Nov 2015)

Hi Max

Yes its me Ruth. I have some really good news...
In May 2015 I was diagnosed with a fatty liver. My blood count was 160 it should be under 45.
My brother Douglas said Neil has some tea that may help so I got some... been taking it ever since, just marvellous stuff...
I got the book by Sandra Cabot.. "Fatty Liver" you can reverse it... so in the knowledge of that & drinking CanTea-Essiac tea my liver blood count is now 55 and its taken just 5-6 mths. My eyes are clearer & I have got much more energy as that was soooo low..
I also put an equal amount of stinging nettle in the tea same amount and time as the CanTea-Essiac bottom container & that I believe has helped to cleanse my liver as well as my kidneys...
So I just have to share this as I am over the moon with it.. I may not have cancer but this would have eventually lead to being cancerous if I did nothing about it... I felt myself actually slowly slipping away..
So thankyou Max for giving me such a very good quality tea... to which I believe has lead to my health returning plus the foods I ate as in the liver book instructions... No bread or grains, & no sugar.. good protein, along with fruit, vege, legumes, nuts & seeds... keeping well hydrated.. & of course the dreaded exercises.. to which I've really do none.. but I do walk & garden, mow lawns etc...

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